and finally, some christmas 2011 pictures for ya:
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Joy to the World
last post was mid october, and we're now 12 days away from christmas-oops. things have been crazy busy, as this time of year tends to be. making sure all the decorations are up, and the house is full of christmas cheer. making sure you've bought everyone a (desirable) gift for the big day. throw in a hubby who is busier than he's ever been at work and 2 c r a z y kids (and a cat that'll make you wanna pull every last hair in your head out b/c he can't stop climbing the tree)'s insanity. funny that this is when we should be taking a break to remember why we're even able to stress over these things- b/c of God's indescribable gift: Jesus. God has shown me over the past few weeks just how true His truths are. He always keeps His promises, and i do not deserve that. but He loves me that much. it seems trite to say "thank you, Jesus" b/c He deserves so much more. nevertheless, thank you, Jesus! being that it's christmas, i should post a nice "christmasy" song-like "joy to the world." but this one is just where i'm at right now:

Saturday, October 15, 2011

we're in full swing school mode now, and it's unfathomable that daniel is in first grade. time-you are not kind. my "little" boy is becoming more and more independent as the days go on; and my "baby" is not a baby anymore. elijah hit the 2 mark a couple months ago. he's still a mama's boy though, so i'll hold onto that for as long as possible. i was asked to sub at the preschool i used to teach at, with elijah in tote. i wondered how he would do in the 3 year old class, and if the teacher would actually get anything done. he did great. i peeked out of my room a couple of times, and he was standing in line like a big boy. we met on the playground during recess time, and he ran right to mama to push him on the swing. so sweet! :)

daniel and i went on our second date night yesterday. i noticed a real need for one on one time with me, so off we went. i so cling to those moments with my first born. uninterrupted, sweet moments. i sound like a broken record, but that sweet little man makes me swell with pride. he is smart (so smart,) kind, loving, and most importantly-he loves Jesus. i was taken back tonight when we were doing the bed time routine. after i finished reading the Bible to him, we starting discussing what he had just heard. i reminded him that when he did naughty things, it's very important to ask Jesus to forgive him. his response- "i know, i did that twice today." wow. how many times did I do that today? maybe i'm the only one who notices this, but parenting is one job that can make you feel like a hypocrite at the drop of a hat. we try and teach our children the right way to live, and find ourselves directing them with words instead of actions. Christ definitely uses this to speak to me. sometimes i have to step back and realize the job He gave me-to bring up these 2 human beings to serve and glorify Him with everything they have. that's big, and i fail daily. thankful for grace.

last weekend my sweet friend Joy and I attended the extraordinary women's conference in lynchburg.

sarah palin was the highlighted speaker, but there were so many wonderful women of Christ. testimonies that would bring you to your knees.

there was also some amazing music- jeremy camp, francesca battistelli, meredith andrews, and more.

i was blessed with time shared with my sweet sister in Christ (and made it through w/out a breakdown. explanation: first time in 8+ years of marriage i have been away from my hubby overnight!) my sweet man had the boys at home, and he's just amazing. i came home to a clean house, and no broken bones. i'll take it. :)
below are some fall pictures we recently took.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
it's hard to believe we are approaching the end of the summer already. school starts in 8 days-yikes. daniel had his 1st grade orientation this evening, and met his teacher. can't believe that my kindergärtner is now a 1st grader! the first thing he said to his teacher was "do we do division in 1st grade?" :) i warned her that D would not have a problem with any of the work. his problem (or hers rather) is letting the teacher teach, not him. that's just his personality (gets it from his dad.) ;)
in august, we celebrated elijah's 2nd birthday. his "talking" cracks me up. we joke that he's either fluent in chinese or jibberish-not sure which. he loves veggie tales, and torturing the cat. yes, i said cat. we are SO not cat people, but we found this abandoned kitten and fell in love. well, i fell in love, begged abe, then abe fell in love. we voted on names and abe remembered who he sleeps with at night, so he voted with me. "peyton" it is! we're still teaching the boys-specifically elijah- that it's a living thing, not a toy.
this past sunday we celebrated abe's 28th birthday. we played a guess his age game in sunday school, and one of the girls guessed 36. ouch! he handled it well. i may have jumped across the table and smacked someone-church or no church. let's face it, the man does not look 36. granted, these boys are aging us a bit faster than we would like-seriously! i think abe liked his birthday gift. we tested it out this evening, and it works great!
today, we celebrated our 8th anniversary. hard to believe it's been 8 years. and here we are, 2 kids later and still very much in love. i am beyond blessed to have abe in my life. God sure was good to me when he picked out my husband. he is loving, kind, giving, a provider, a wonderful father, and the list goes on. i am so thankful to have him by my side. i pray we have 8(0) more blissful years. i am blessed indeed!

in august, we celebrated elijah's 2nd birthday. his "talking" cracks me up. we joke that he's either fluent in chinese or jibberish-not sure which. he loves veggie tales, and torturing the cat. yes, i said cat. we are SO not cat people, but we found this abandoned kitten and fell in love. well, i fell in love, begged abe, then abe fell in love. we voted on names and abe remembered who he sleeps with at night, so he voted with me. "peyton" it is! we're still teaching the boys-specifically elijah- that it's a living thing, not a toy.

this past sunday we celebrated abe's 28th birthday. we played a guess his age game in sunday school, and one of the girls guessed 36. ouch! he handled it well. i may have jumped across the table and smacked someone-church or no church. let's face it, the man does not look 36. granted, these boys are aging us a bit faster than we would like-seriously! i think abe liked his birthday gift. we tested it out this evening, and it works great!

today, we celebrated our 8th anniversary. hard to believe it's been 8 years. and here we are, 2 kids later and still very much in love. i am beyond blessed to have abe in my life. God sure was good to me when he picked out my husband. he is loving, kind, giving, a provider, a wonderful father, and the list goes on. i am so thankful to have him by my side. i pray we have 8(0) more blissful years. i am blessed indeed!

1 love made possible by one perfect sacrifice
2 sweet blessings
3 moves
a family of 4
now a family of 5 (including kitty ;)
6 years of parenting
7 hundred thousand "I love you's"
and 8 amazing years of marriage
it's been far from perfect, but I wouldn't change a thing! happy anniversary to my Love!
Monday, July 4, 2011
will i make it?

although we are one month away from my sweet youngest turning the big 2, he is living up to the age already. i love that little guy to pieces. he has a big personality that i wouldn't change for anything. he's a momma's boy, and yep, i love it. he loves his dadda, and his "bubby" is his best friend. *wikipedia defines "bubby" as brother* he's just straight cute. he's also a h-a-n-d-f-u-l. there have been a few days where i was sure he was going to put me in a place with padded walls and no shoe strings. i know they say that every child is different; but i think once your second comes along, you can't help but somewhat compare to the first. daniel had his moments, but nothing like E. i know, know, know there is a lesson in this stage of life. patience is definitely one of the lessons. breathing when what you want to really do is spit fire is another lesson. i'm learning. slowly, but surely, i'm learning.

while crying out to one of my dearest friends (who is also like a mom to me,) she poured out this priceless advice to me- "remember that discipline means to teach! he is not born knowing what is acceptable, he is looking to you for that! disciple!" wow, powerful. thankful for godly council, and thankful for the 2 sweet blessings pictured above!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
yep, this is what happens now at least a few nights a week. this video doesn't do it full justice. the first time it happened, he never looked up;he was army crawling as slowly and quietly as possible. he's gotten a bit braver now. how can you not love that face though? :)
Friday, May 27, 2011
may 27th. this day is never an easy one. four years ago-it's a day that will never leave me. the day my sweet daddy left this earth and entered eternity. i am so very thankful for the gift of eternal life. i am so thankful that my Father provided a way for me to meet my daddy again....that this life is not the end. praise God! i miss my dad SO much. i hide it a lot. i cry in secret. i bury the pain sometimes. i think so often "i wish dad was here seeing the boys do this. do that."
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9
i trust that. i believe that. and i am thankful for that. thank you, Jesus, for picking out the daddy you did. he was perfect FOR ME. he showed me how a man should treat me. he reminded me that he was given the gift of being my earthly dad, but my Father is in heaven. for this, i give thanks.

dad, you are always with me. i see you everyday in these 2 sweet boys i have. i love you, so much. i wish you could have seen your sweet first grandson graduate from kindergarten yesterday. you would have been so proud of him. (he inherited your singing skills by the way..thanks for that. :) ) i can still hear daniel bursting through your door yelling "gandad, gandad!" "Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal."

To my sweet Daniel,
Your daddy and I are so very proud of you. You are an amazing young man who loves the Lord, and I could not be more thankful for that. I make mistakes everyday in being your mommy. Thankfully, we have a Savior who covers my mistakes. Trust in Him always. He will never let you down. We love you so much!
Love, Your blessed Mom and Dad
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9
i trust that. i believe that. and i am thankful for that. thank you, Jesus, for picking out the daddy you did. he was perfect FOR ME. he showed me how a man should treat me. he reminded me that he was given the gift of being my earthly dad, but my Father is in heaven. for this, i give thanks.

dad, you are always with me. i see you everyday in these 2 sweet boys i have. i love you, so much. i wish you could have seen your sweet first grandson graduate from kindergarten yesterday. you would have been so proud of him. (he inherited your singing skills by the way..thanks for that. :) ) i can still hear daniel bursting through your door yelling "gandad, gandad!" "Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal."
Some pictures of Daniel Abraham graduating Kindergarten-bittersweet.

To my sweet Daniel,
Your daddy and I are so very proud of you. You are an amazing young man who loves the Lord, and I could not be more thankful for that. I make mistakes everyday in being your mommy. Thankfully, we have a Savior who covers my mistakes. Trust in Him always. He will never let you down. We love you so much!
Love, Your blessed Mom and Dad
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
this and that
wow-it's been a while since i've blogged. oops. so this post will be a little bit of this and a little bit of that.
easter was a few weeks ago, and once again this year we headed to wss (white sulphur springs in pa.) it is a very nice, relaxing place. it is also kind of technology free. they do have a computer in the hotel if you want to check your email, etc... but the point is to step away from all of that. not really my thing. so, i decided this trip was going to be a time i could step away from all "that" stuff, and just have time with God. quiet time. and i did. and i noticed how much changing my expectations and attitude affected the trip. now of course the devil was going to do what he could to interrupt this time. he tried. my sweet second born was quite a handful. i have never seen him (in his short 21 months on earth) act the way he did in that 24 hour period. wow. but, that's okay. i got through it and am all the more patient for it. (patience is a very slow learning process for me.) daniel loves going to wss, and i love that he loves it. it makes the trip all the better.
jump ahead-mother's day, 2011. i'm still waiting on my mother's day gift- should be arriving via fed ex any day now. can't wait! :) my hubby and kids served me breakfast in bed. we then headed to the mall after church, and i got to run in and shop in my favorite store. next stop, outback. then comes the best part. we came home and i got to NAP. ahhhh, wonderful. it was a good day. we celebrated our moms also. abe's mom came over for dinner on saturday evening, and we went out to eat with my mom on monday. good times.
some other exciting news- my friend and MOPS director had her sweet twins yesterday. we are all praising God that everyone is doing great. He is so good, and so faithful.
and to once again jump to a totally different subject, we are on a car hunt. we sweet hubby was in an accident last thursday, totaling his car. i don't care. i am so thankful that he walked away injury free. praise God. so we are now looking for a car for him. thankfully, my mom and abe have almost identical work schedules, so they've been carpooling; and our sweet friends are loaning us their truck. again, we're trusting God to guide us in this decision.
my sweet boys continue to bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart. daniel only has 2 more weeks of school left, and then he will be a 1st grader. yikes. elijah is creeping up on the big "2" and living up to the expectations of a 2 year old temper. i heart that bugger. life is good.

well, i think that about catches me up. :) happy may!
easter was a few weeks ago, and once again this year we headed to wss (white sulphur springs in pa.) it is a very nice, relaxing place. it is also kind of technology free. they do have a computer in the hotel if you want to check your email, etc... but the point is to step away from all of that. not really my thing. so, i decided this trip was going to be a time i could step away from all "that" stuff, and just have time with God. quiet time. and i did. and i noticed how much changing my expectations and attitude affected the trip. now of course the devil was going to do what he could to interrupt this time. he tried. my sweet second born was quite a handful. i have never seen him (in his short 21 months on earth) act the way he did in that 24 hour period. wow. but, that's okay. i got through it and am all the more patient for it. (patience is a very slow learning process for me.) daniel loves going to wss, and i love that he loves it. it makes the trip all the better.
jump ahead-mother's day, 2011. i'm still waiting on my mother's day gift- should be arriving via fed ex any day now. can't wait! :) my hubby and kids served me breakfast in bed. we then headed to the mall after church, and i got to run in and shop in my favorite store. next stop, outback. then comes the best part. we came home and i got to NAP. ahhhh, wonderful. it was a good day. we celebrated our moms also. abe's mom came over for dinner on saturday evening, and we went out to eat with my mom on monday. good times.
some other exciting news- my friend and MOPS director had her sweet twins yesterday. we are all praising God that everyone is doing great. He is so good, and so faithful.
and to once again jump to a totally different subject, we are on a car hunt. we sweet hubby was in an accident last thursday, totaling his car. i don't care. i am so thankful that he walked away injury free. praise God. so we are now looking for a car for him. thankfully, my mom and abe have almost identical work schedules, so they've been carpooling; and our sweet friends are loaning us their truck. again, we're trusting God to guide us in this decision.
my sweet boys continue to bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart. daniel only has 2 more weeks of school left, and then he will be a 1st grader. yikes. elijah is creeping up on the big "2" and living up to the expectations of a 2 year old temper. i heart that bugger. life is good.
well, i think that about catches me up. :) happy may!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
dare to live
i'm currently reading a book - one thousand gifts by ann voskamp. wow. i mean, wow. this book has given me a whole new perspective on life. on eucharisteo. on the fact that every 'horrible' thing we are dished out can be turned into praise and thanksgiving. the terrible two's that my not yet 2 year old is going through is an item of thanks- thanks that i am blessed with him and his temper. thanks for the teaching moments. thankful because Jesus is the same no matter what is changing.
thankful that Monday-april 11th, 2011- my 6 year old asked Jesus to live in his heart. eucharisteo- i am thankful.
so here's the dare: live fully right where you. as the high powered executive at a top law firm. as a stay at home mom- longing for a 30 minute nap in between the endless poopy diapers, snotty noses, and constant "don't touch that's." live fully.
part of the book is making your own list- one thousand (and beyond) things to be thankful for. things you don't even think are worth making the list, but they are.
1) the smell of clean laundry
2)watching my boys hug
3)a clean house
4)my husband's patience with me
5)watching Daniel read Elijah a book
thankful that Monday-april 11th, 2011- my 6 year old asked Jesus to live in his heart. eucharisteo- i am thankful.
so here's the dare: live fully right where you. as the high powered executive at a top law firm. as a stay at home mom- longing for a 30 minute nap in between the endless poopy diapers, snotty noses, and constant "don't touch that's." live fully.

1) the smell of clean laundry
2)watching my boys hug
3)a clean house
4)my husband's patience with me
5)watching Daniel read Elijah a book
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
allowed to be proud
this man:

may just kill me.
i've really been trying to do more exercise here lately. we have a treadmill in our house, so i really have no excuse not to. there's just one problem. i hate doing the treadmill lately. it's just getting plain old, and i'm kind of over it. :-/ unfortunately though, that "reasoning" doesn't take away the fact that i need to exercise. so, i have gone back to my billy blanks workouts. i have 3 or 4 of his workout (boot camps is really a more fitting description) dvd's. suprisingly, in betwenn the intense pain, i'm really enjoying them! the time goes by so much faster than the treadmill. i've been doing them pretty much every night (except yesterday since we walked a gazillion miles around the zoo- more details on that trip later.) so even though it's never good to be prideful, i think i'm allowed to be proud about this. :)
keep it up, amanda, keep it up. (yes, i am talking to myself.)

may just kill me.
i've really been trying to do more exercise here lately. we have a treadmill in our house, so i really have no excuse not to. there's just one problem. i hate doing the treadmill lately. it's just getting plain old, and i'm kind of over it. :-/ unfortunately though, that "reasoning" doesn't take away the fact that i need to exercise. so, i have gone back to my billy blanks workouts. i have 3 or 4 of his workout (boot camps is really a more fitting description) dvd's. suprisingly, in betwenn the intense pain, i'm really enjoying them! the time goes by so much faster than the treadmill. i've been doing them pretty much every night (except yesterday since we walked a gazillion miles around the zoo- more details on that trip later.) so even though it's never good to be prideful, i think i'm allowed to be proud about this. :)
keep it up, amanda, keep it up. (yes, i am talking to myself.)
Saturday, March 5, 2011
date night
We are very blessed to be able to have a good amount of date nights. I know for some couples this is a twice/year occurrence. For some, never. So, I don't take for granted that we are able to go 'kid-less' about once a month. I have to say though, it. is. vital! Marriage can quickly spiral into only being parents.
Well, this weekend I had an extra special date night- with another guy. (Yep, Abe knew.) He held my door each time. He let me pick the restaurant. He let me sit down first. And, he kissed me. It was one of the best dates I've ever had (ONE of.)
I told Daniel last week that we were going to have a Mommy/Daniel date night, and he was so excited. He told Abe many times "Daddy, you are not going on this date. It's just for me and Mommy!" We went to Red Lobster for dinner and had a great meal and dessert. It was so nice to have an uninterrupted conversation with Daniel; and for him to know he had my full attention. I think it meant a lot to him, and I KNOW it meant a lot to me! We then rented "despicable me" to close out the night. Had a great time laughing with him to finish out our date night. He was such a gentleman (just like his daddy) on the date. I could just bottle this kid and keep him forever!
Some highlights of the evening:
Daniel: "Date night is hard- especially for the boy."
Mommy: "So Daniel, what kind of girl do you think you want to marry?"
Daniel: "Hmm....I know I can't marry you, but what {who} would be the closest thing to you?"
Daniel at dinner: "I will have the popcorn shrimp with fries on the side." (When did this kid get old enough to order for himself??"
Well, this weekend I had an extra special date night- with another guy. (Yep, Abe knew.) He held my door each time. He let me pick the restaurant. He let me sit down first. And, he kissed me. It was one of the best dates I've ever had (ONE of.)

Some highlights of the evening:
Daniel: "Date night is hard- especially for the boy."
Mommy: "So Daniel, what kind of girl do you think you want to marry?"
Daniel: "Hmm....I know I can't marry you, but what {who} would be the closest thing to you?"
Daniel at dinner: "I will have the popcorn shrimp with fries on the side." (When did this kid get old enough to order for himself??"
Sunday, February 27, 2011
a first
I have an almost six year old. SIX. SIX! I say it time and time again, but where in the world does the time go?? All these "firsts" are flying by. First time they say your name. First step. First day of preschool. First day of Kindergarten. And this past Friday, his first sleep over. It wasn't totally traumatic for me because it was at our house. Still totally weird to know I have a child old enough to have a sleep over. Daniel and Vic had such a great time playing together. I love 'em both!
I cannot put into words how much I love Daniel and how proud I am of him. He is such a kind hearted, sweet boy. (And smart to boot! ;) ) Daniel, I love you more than you know. No matter how old you get, you are always my sweet little boy!
I cannot put into words how much I love Daniel and how proud I am of him. He is such a kind hearted, sweet boy. (And smart to boot! ;) ) Daniel, I love you more than you know. No matter how old you get, you are always my sweet little boy!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentine's Day
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
if up chuck, throw up, or vomit bother you: stop reading
It's been an interesting weekend/week thus far. Elijah got sick Sunday morning while we were getting ready for church and we thought he had over-eaten at breakfast. No fever. Acting like a little monkey as usual. Just a fluke. Wrong! Almost to church, and the vomiting commenced. Needless to say, we turned around; but didn't make it home w/out another bout of up chuck. I would say that in a 12 hour period, that poor kid threw up about 15 times. Keep in mind, he isn't quite old enough to do this in a toilet, bucket, or even hard floor. Wherever he was standing, there it came. Monday came, and we thought we were in the clear. E was feeling good.
Tuesday morning:4 a.m. Elijah gave us his final throw up- at least I hope so! As we were getting everything cleaned up at that ungodly hour, I started feeling really queasy. I thought it was due to what we were doing. I bailed on Abe and laid down. Again, I was wrong. I had caught the nasty stuff. My amazing husband stayed home to take care of the kiddos and me on Tuesday considering I couldn't even get out of bed. He cleaned, took care of kids, did laundry, and took care of me while I felt {and looked} like death. It is some nasty stuff and I pray it is gone from our house now!
I picked up my phone yesterday evening to get on face book as I hadn't done much else that day. As I was feeling sorry for myself and how crappy I felt, I stumbled on a friend's page. A friend battling an illness that they still haven't even identified, basically fighting for her life. I felt pretty small. Our problems or issues seem so big sometimes until we really put them in perspective. They are not. I am thankful that I had a 12 hour illness. I am thankful my sweet little man only had a 12 hour illness. However, if that friend were to be me one day I would hope I would still be thankful. Thankful because God is the same no matter what we are going through. He stays the same- faithful, loving, merciful, just, and the list goes one. I hope I will forever be thankful for that, not matter what life throws at me.
On a much lighter and happier note, my hubs let me get an awesome new toy. I heart it {he does too.} =)
Tuesday morning:4 a.m. Elijah gave us his final throw up- at least I hope so! As we were getting everything cleaned up at that ungodly hour, I started feeling really queasy. I thought it was due to what we were doing. I bailed on Abe and laid down. Again, I was wrong. I had caught the nasty stuff. My amazing husband stayed home to take care of the kiddos and me on Tuesday considering I couldn't even get out of bed. He cleaned, took care of kids, did laundry, and took care of me while I felt {and looked} like death. It is some nasty stuff and I pray it is gone from our house now!
I picked up my phone yesterday evening to get on face book as I hadn't done much else that day. As I was feeling sorry for myself and how crappy I felt, I stumbled on a friend's page. A friend battling an illness that they still haven't even identified, basically fighting for her life. I felt pretty small. Our problems or issues seem so big sometimes until we really put them in perspective. They are not. I am thankful that I had a 12 hour illness. I am thankful my sweet little man only had a 12 hour illness. However, if that friend were to be me one day I would hope I would still be thankful. Thankful because God is the same no matter what we are going through. He stays the same- faithful, loving, merciful, just, and the list goes one. I hope I will forever be thankful for that, not matter what life throws at me.
On a much lighter and happier note, my hubs let me get an awesome new toy. I heart it {he does too.} =)

Friday, January 28, 2011
Friday night fun
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