easter was a few weeks ago, and once again this year we headed to wss (white sulphur springs in pa.) it is a very nice, relaxing place. it is also kind of technology free. they do have a computer in the hotel if you want to check your email, etc... but the point is to step away from all of that. not really my thing. so, i decided this trip was going to be a time i could step away from all "that" stuff, and just have time with God. quiet time. and i did. and i noticed how much changing my expectations and attitude affected the trip. now of course the devil was going to do what he could to interrupt this time. he tried. my sweet second born was quite a handful. i have never seen him (in his short 21 months on earth) act the way he did in that 24 hour period. wow. but, that's okay. i got through it and am all the more patient for it. (patience is a very slow learning process for me.) daniel loves going to wss, and i love that he loves it. it makes the trip all the better.
jump ahead-mother's day, 2011. i'm still waiting on my mother's day gift- should be arriving via fed ex any day now. can't wait! :) my hubby and kids served me breakfast in bed. we then headed to the mall after church, and i got to run in and shop in my favorite store. next stop, outback. then comes the best part. we came home and i got to NAP. ahhhh, wonderful. it was a good day. we celebrated our moms also. abe's mom came over for dinner on saturday evening, and we went out to eat with my mom on monday. good times.
some other exciting news- my friend and MOPS director had her sweet twins yesterday. we are all praising God that everyone is doing great. He is so good, and so faithful.
and to once again jump to a totally different subject, we are on a car hunt. we sweet hubby was in an accident last thursday, totaling his car. i don't care. i am so thankful that he walked away injury free. praise God. so we are now looking for a car for him. thankfully, my mom and abe have almost identical work schedules, so they've been carpooling; and our sweet friends are loaning us their truck. again, we're trusting God to guide us in this decision.
my sweet boys continue to bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart. daniel only has 2 more weeks of school left, and then he will be a 1st grader. yikes. elijah is creeping up on the big "2" and living up to the expectations of a 2 year old temper. i heart that bugger. life is good.
well, i think that about catches me up. :) happy may!
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