Friday, October 30, 2009

October 30, 2009

We went to UCA's Harvest thing and it was a lot of fun- hay ride, bouncies, face painting, etc. Tomorrow is Halloween, and Spring Hill's trick or trunk.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

date night <---- so important!

Abe and I are very blessed to get date nights quite often..and everyone should have them! We tend to get wrapped up in being only parents, and forget we wouldn't even be parents if it wasn't for our spouse- the person we are to love above all others on earth!

Abe and I have some interesting date nights! :-) Abe got his second (and last) tattoo, which he's been wanting to do for a while. I love it! We then went to a asian buffet, and closed out the night with shopping....yay!!! :-)

Love my hubby!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Thinking about my dad today. Sometimes life just passes by and I tend to {choose} to not think about things. But today I'm thinking about all the life experiences that I wish he was here sharing with us- Daniel growing up, Elijah's birth, etc.. It's hard and like frankly sucks sometimes, but God's grace is sufficient and I truly believe His power is made perfect in our weakness!

On a lighter note, I'm excited about Halloween this year. Daniel is gonna be Spider Man and Elijah is a chicken- so cute! Can't wait to get pictures of my sweet boys! :-)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

We had an amazing evening volunteering at the World Vision Table; and then I got to meet and take a pic with Mark Lee of Third Day! :) We then got within a few feet of the band!! Such an incredible experience!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Nice relaxing Saturday. Abe and Daniel were outside doing some work, and came across a toad. Daddy was trying to explain to D why the toad was scared of them "he thinks we are like giants, Daniel." To which Daniel kneels down and reassured the toad "don't be afraid..I'm just a kid, and he's just a daddy. I can't even use a knife!" The love I have for that little man is overwhelming! He is so sweet! :-)

We just got back from dinner at Outback and taking my sister to get her homecoming dress. She's 14 now..and it's just crazy to me. The 11 year age gap just makes me dwell on how old she's getting and how quickly time goes by! I emphasized to her that the boy who's taking her better treat her right, or it would be bad news..I mean it!!!

I was also reminded today of how faithful and loving of a husband I have. I am blessed beyond measure to have this man in my life! So thankful!

Headed to lunch with my sis in laws tomorrow, then a Third Day concert! yay! Thanks to my momisita watching my kids!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

kids will say the darndest things!

So tonight after dinner, Daniel was complimenting how good of a cook I was. The hot dog I heated up was delicious, and the macaroni I boiled was sooo good! He then tells me "Mommy, you should be a fry cook when you grow up!" :-) I love my four year old!

Had a great day at MOPS today despite the rain. Enjoyed listening to the mentoring moms and looking forward to the next meeting!

Signing out...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Today was Elijah's 2 month app. Everything went well- except for the 2 shots! :( He's 10lb 8 oz and almost 22 inches long. Skinny and tall like Daddy!

Relaxing right now before I pick D up from preschool. Hoping for a productive, fun day! :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

the beginning

Well, I've decided to start a blog! I'm so excited. I was recently reading someone's blog and life's simple day to day happenings. It's a great way to preserve precious memories- so here we go! :)

To start off, I'll tell you a little about myself. I'm a 25 year old wife and mother. Wife for 6 years, mom for 4. I LOVE this job. It's rewarding, challenging, fun, tiring, frustrating, but most of all- wonderful! It never stops and you really never get a break. I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world! I have sometimes wondered what life would be like without Abe, Daniel, or Elijah and it's a thought that quickly leaves my mind out of fear. Those three guys mean everything to me! Abe and I were married very young, and have been through a lot in the 6 short years we have been married- 7 together. The one that jumps out at me most is the one I experienced on May 27, 2007. I lost one of my best friends in this world- my dad. It was sudden and horrific. The day is like a blur. There I was- 22 years old, an adult; but I felt as though I was 5 years old and someone had just told me my daddy had gone away. I didn't know how I would get through that time. All I can say is what my life verse says- "His grace is sufficient." And it is. I couldn't tell you how I got through it b/c I really don't remember. I just know "His grace was [and is] sufficient." I realize people lose their parents everyday. It happens. But my dad wasn't just any parent. We had such a unique and special relationship. We had battled so many of life's curve balls together. This was different. It was hard, but here I stand today to tell about it. I rest in the assurance that I will see Dad again. His grace is sufficient. I have to say that along with Jesus carrying me through that difficult time, my husband never left my side. I never thought that I could marry a man that measured up to the one man I compared all to- my father; but I did. Abe is my rock and I am so thankful that Lord blessed me with him!

Abe and I lived in Lynchburg, Va the first year of our marriage while I attended Liberty University. We both will tell you that was such a wonderful time in our marriage. Being that we were both so young when we married (him-20, me-19,) we needed this separation from everyone else. We moved back to the Charlottesville area {where all our family is} in 2004 when I found out I was pregnant! Daniel was born on March 26, 2005- lifechanging! Our life would be incomplete without that precious little man. He is such a mix of Abe and I..but that's for another day! :) When Daniel turned 2, we decided we would like to start trying for #2. {Side note- I was pregnant with D within a month of trying.} God had different plans for us. After about 6 months, I grew very frustrated that we were not pregnant! There were days when it was actuallly heart breaking. I would get the "when are you gonna have another one" all the time, and that made it worse. After about a year and still no results, I asked Abe if he would be "okay" or "satisfied" with having only one child. "Maybe this is what God has in store for us?" He responded with an "of course!" So, we decided to just wait on God and what happens, happens. In November of 2008 I noticed some changes in my body and the thought of pregnancy quickly passed over me and then left. I didn't even want to go there. I had seen too many negative tests to go there. After waiting a while ( and not saying anything to Abe,) I decided it was time to find out. I had no hopes of it being a positive. Again, God had a different plan. I drove out to Abe's work that day- test in hand. (I know it's gross, but hey! :-) ) He was ecstatic. On August 3rd, 2009, our special gift arrived weighing in at 9 lb 2oz! WHEW!! Elijah is SUCH a blessing from the Lord! I look at him everyday and stand amazed.

I was previously a preschool teacher, and am now a stay-at-home mom. It's a much harder job, but the rewards are endless! So, that's where we are now. A quick glimpse of the past 6 years. I am so excited to record life's day to day memories on here. =)

2 Cor. 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."