we're in full swing school mode now, and it's unfathomable that daniel is in first grade. time-you are not kind. my "little" boy is becoming more and more independent as the days go on; and my "baby" is not a baby anymore. elijah hit the 2 mark a couple months ago. he's still a mama's boy though, so i'll hold onto that for as long as possible. i was asked to sub at the preschool i used to teach at, with elijah in tote. i wondered how he would do in the 3 year old class, and if the teacher would actually get anything done. he did great. i peeked out of my room a couple of times, and he was standing in line like a big boy. we met on the playground during recess time, and he ran right to mama to push him on the swing. so sweet! :)

daniel and i went on our second date night yesterday. i noticed a real need for one on one time with me, so off we went. i so cling to those moments with my first born. uninterrupted, sweet moments. i sound like a broken record, but that sweet little man makes me swell with pride. he is smart (so smart,) kind, loving, and most importantly-he loves Jesus. i was taken back tonight when we were doing the bed time routine. after i finished reading the Bible to him, we starting discussing what he had just heard. i reminded him that when he did naughty things, it's very important to ask Jesus to forgive him. his response- "i know, i did that twice today." wow. how many times did I do that today? maybe i'm the only one who notices this, but parenting is one job that can make you feel like a hypocrite at the drop of a hat. we try and teach our children the right way to live, and find ourselves directing them with words instead of actions. Christ definitely uses this to speak to me. sometimes i have to step back and realize the job He gave me-to bring up these 2 human beings to serve and glorify Him with everything they have. that's big, and i fail daily. thankful for grace.

last weekend my sweet friend Joy and I attended the extraordinary women's conference in lynchburg.

sarah palin was the highlighted speaker, but there were so many wonderful women of Christ. testimonies that would bring you to your knees.

there was also some amazing music- jeremy camp, francesca battistelli, meredith andrews, and more.

i was blessed with time shared with my sweet sister in Christ (and made it through w/out a breakdown. explanation: first time in 8+ years of marriage i have been away from my hubby overnight!) my sweet man had the boys at home, and he's just amazing. i came home to a clean house, and no broken bones. i'll take it. :)
below are some fall pictures we recently took.

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