Wednesday, February 2, 2011

if up chuck, throw up, or vomit bother you: stop reading

It's been an interesting weekend/week thus far. Elijah got sick Sunday morning while we were getting ready for church and we thought he had over-eaten at breakfast. No fever. Acting like a little monkey as usual. Just a fluke. Wrong! Almost to church, and the vomiting commenced. Needless to say, we turned around; but didn't make it home w/out another bout of up chuck. I would say that in a 12 hour period, that poor kid threw up about 15 times. Keep in mind, he isn't quite old enough to do this in a toilet, bucket, or even hard floor. Wherever he was standing, there it came. Monday came, and we thought we were in the clear. E was feeling good.

Tuesday morning:4 a.m. Elijah gave us his final throw up- at least I hope so! As we were getting everything cleaned up at that ungodly hour, I started feeling really queasy. I thought it was due to what we were doing. I bailed on Abe and laid down. Again, I was wrong. I had caught the nasty stuff. My amazing husband stayed home to take care of the kiddos and me on Tuesday considering I couldn't even get out of bed. He cleaned, took care of kids, did laundry, and took care of me while I felt {and looked} like death. It is some nasty stuff and I pray it is gone from our house now!

I picked up my phone yesterday evening to get on face book as I hadn't done much else that day. As I was feeling sorry for myself and how crappy I felt, I stumbled on a friend's page. A friend battling an illness that they still haven't even identified, basically fighting for her life. I felt pretty small. Our problems or issues seem so big sometimes until we really put them in perspective. They are not. I am thankful that I had a 12 hour illness. I am thankful my sweet little man only had a 12 hour illness. However, if that friend were to be me one day I would hope I would still be thankful. Thankful because God is the same no matter what we are going through. He stays the same- faithful, loving, merciful, just, and the list goes one. I hope I will forever be thankful for that, not matter what life throws at me.

On a much lighter and happier note, my hubs let me get an awesome new toy. I heart it {he does too.} =)

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