One of my biggest flaws (and I have many) is the inability to let things roll off my back; but instead, taking them very personally! I realize this is my problem, and I need to daily turn it over to the Lord.
One of the biggest misconceptions that I hear is the "stay at home mom" one. Don't get me wrong. I feel EXTREMELY blessed that I have a husband who supports us so that I can stay at home with my kids. THIS IS WHERE I WANT TO BE. I do,however, have the option of working outside the home; and I'm sure many days would be much less stressful and much prettier. Although there may be days I picture myself sitting behind a desk in a pretty skirt with my hair done typing on the computer with my bracelets dangling as I type, that is not where I want to be right now. And PLEASE don't misunderstand me. If you choose to be a working mom, that is your right and choice and you have a lot on your plate too! Some don't even have the option, and I admire the courage it takes to go out everyday and make money to support your family! I am, however, also helping support my family in many ways. We don't pay a babysitter. I babysit to bring in some income. I cut my family's hair. I shop in a way that cuts down on expenses in every way possible. Those are just some of the ways. And, NO, I am not saying this to boost myself up, or give myself any glory. To God be the glory that I have this job.
I get to be here to hear the first word; to see the first crawl; to cuddle with my kids anytime I want;to be the one in control of what they are hearing, seeing, etc... It's a beautiful job that I truly love and I truly love my kids! Don't get me wrong. I have my bad days. Days where there is really no use in putting on my "nice clothes" only to be covered in drool, spit up, milk, poop, etc...
I just wish people would realize that it's not a pretty or easy job by any stretch of the imagination. It's not about "making babies" and baking all day! I mean, REALLY?? It's a blessing that is indescribable (but contains lots of work!)
Thank you Jesus for these children that you have so richly blessed us with! Thank you that I get to be here for them. I fail everyday at my job, and pray that I will everyday improve at it. It's a great responsibility to have, but a wonderful one! :)
Done ranting....for now. ;-)
I love you Daniel and Elijah! You are two of the most wonderful blessings in my life and I treasure you both so much!
Your thankful Mommy
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