I have an almost six year old. SIX. SIX! I say it time and time again, but where in the world does the time go?? All these "firsts" are flying by. First time they say your name. First step. First day of preschool. First day of Kindergarten. And this past Friday, his first sleep over. It wasn't totally traumatic for me because it was at our house. Still totally weird to know I have a child old enough to have a sleep over. Daniel and Vic had such a great time playing together. I love 'em both!
I cannot put into words how much I love Daniel and how proud I am of him. He is such a kind hearted, sweet boy. (And smart to boot! ;) ) Daniel, I love you more than you know. No matter how old you get, you are always my sweet little boy!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentine's Day
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
if up chuck, throw up, or vomit bother you: stop reading
It's been an interesting weekend/week thus far. Elijah got sick Sunday morning while we were getting ready for church and we thought he had over-eaten at breakfast. No fever. Acting like a little monkey as usual. Just a fluke. Wrong! Almost to church, and the vomiting commenced. Needless to say, we turned around; but didn't make it home w/out another bout of up chuck. I would say that in a 12 hour period, that poor kid threw up about 15 times. Keep in mind, he isn't quite old enough to do this in a toilet, bucket, or even hard floor. Wherever he was standing, there it came. Monday came, and we thought we were in the clear. E was feeling good.
Tuesday morning:4 a.m. Elijah gave us his final throw up- at least I hope so! As we were getting everything cleaned up at that ungodly hour, I started feeling really queasy. I thought it was due to what we were doing. I bailed on Abe and laid down. Again, I was wrong. I had caught the nasty stuff. My amazing husband stayed home to take care of the kiddos and me on Tuesday considering I couldn't even get out of bed. He cleaned, took care of kids, did laundry, and took care of me while I felt {and looked} like death. It is some nasty stuff and I pray it is gone from our house now!
I picked up my phone yesterday evening to get on face book as I hadn't done much else that day. As I was feeling sorry for myself and how crappy I felt, I stumbled on a friend's page. A friend battling an illness that they still haven't even identified, basically fighting for her life. I felt pretty small. Our problems or issues seem so big sometimes until we really put them in perspective. They are not. I am thankful that I had a 12 hour illness. I am thankful my sweet little man only had a 12 hour illness. However, if that friend were to be me one day I would hope I would still be thankful. Thankful because God is the same no matter what we are going through. He stays the same- faithful, loving, merciful, just, and the list goes one. I hope I will forever be thankful for that, not matter what life throws at me.
On a much lighter and happier note, my hubs let me get an awesome new toy. I heart it {he does too.} =)
Tuesday morning:4 a.m. Elijah gave us his final throw up- at least I hope so! As we were getting everything cleaned up at that ungodly hour, I started feeling really queasy. I thought it was due to what we were doing. I bailed on Abe and laid down. Again, I was wrong. I had caught the nasty stuff. My amazing husband stayed home to take care of the kiddos and me on Tuesday considering I couldn't even get out of bed. He cleaned, took care of kids, did laundry, and took care of me while I felt {and looked} like death. It is some nasty stuff and I pray it is gone from our house now!
I picked up my phone yesterday evening to get on face book as I hadn't done much else that day. As I was feeling sorry for myself and how crappy I felt, I stumbled on a friend's page. A friend battling an illness that they still haven't even identified, basically fighting for her life. I felt pretty small. Our problems or issues seem so big sometimes until we really put them in perspective. They are not. I am thankful that I had a 12 hour illness. I am thankful my sweet little man only had a 12 hour illness. However, if that friend were to be me one day I would hope I would still be thankful. Thankful because God is the same no matter what we are going through. He stays the same- faithful, loving, merciful, just, and the list goes one. I hope I will forever be thankful for that, not matter what life throws at me.
On a much lighter and happier note, my hubs let me get an awesome new toy. I heart it {he does too.} =)

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