Abe and I went to the Skins/Colts game on Sunday night and It. Was. AWESOME!!! I SO wish my team was more local. I would love to watch Peyton Manning play in person more often. It was funny actually b/c every time something good {Colts good, that is} would happen, I would stand up to scream; and people were looking at me like "sit down!" ;)
Abe and I had such a good time. I love that we can do things like that together that we both so very much enjoy. I have so much fun spending time with my hubby. I'm so in love with that man! He looked at me after the game and said "I have a confession. I secretly wanted the Colts to win for you." That's love right there! :) The Colts did win, by the way. Just barely, but they won. Hope to have that experience again!

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