Along with MOPS, I'm also doing a Tuesday {MOPS} Bible study. We're doing "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. I'm not sure if I want to keep reading this book. Apart from God's Word, it is by far the most convicting book I've ever read. Bottom line, the book repeatedly reminds me "this world is not all about YOU {me}. YIKES!! Who wants to hear that- I mean really?! It's had me thinking a lot lately. I'm not called to only love those who love me...what good is that really? I'm called to love those who treat me like the dirt under their feet...those who persecute me...those who would rather not have me "loving" them. I don't know if you've noticed, but that's tough! I'm constantly "arguing" with God. "But God, do you know how they're treating me?!?" I'm then gently reminded by a loving and merciful Savior that He was beaten, spit on, cursed at, etc... and He died for those people! Yeah, I'm thinking I'll get over my discomfort of being kind even when I really don't want to. That doesn't mean it's not hard. It is. But I am called to a higher calling; and I am in love with a Savior that I am to imitate. Many people have shown me love when I didn't deserve it, and I'm glad they saw past the "bad" parts.
I want to teach my children this same lesson, and I must live it out to do that. I want my kids to be "crazy" in love with Jesus. I want them to love Him for who He is, not what He offers. I want to love him for that reason- that He's God. I fall more and more in love with Him everyday, even though I feel some days I take two steps backwards. Thankfully, He loves me through my ugliness and sins; and for this I am so thankful.
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