As we were pulling into the mall today for some lunch and play time, Daniel noticed the lady ringing the bell at the door (for Salvation Army.) "Mommy, do those people ring bells for money?"
Timidly, I respond "Well, yes; but for people who are less fortunate." (Wait- that's not going to make sense to him.) "It's for people who don't have a lot of money."
Very seriously, he replies "Oh, like me!" :-)
OY! I don't think he gets it! :) I tried explaining that although he only has $1 right now for his allowance, he is very blessed b/c Mommy and Daddy buy him food, clothes, toys, etc... Hard concept for a four year old. But as I thought about it a little more, it's a hard concept for us {big people :)} too! We have no idea how blessed we are!
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
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