Destination: Va Beach.
We had our summer vacation planned for a couple months. Since Papa passed away just about a week earlier, we went back and forth on whether to postpone. After talking about it, we decided it would be good for the kids (and us) to go ahead and go. We went for about four days, and really did enjoy it. Shopping, beach, pool, good restaurants are just a few of the things we did to relax. We went to the beach only 2 days, and burnt to a crisp! The boys got just a little red, but I burnt pretty badly. Abe, bless his heart (NOT!), decided he did not need sunscreen. Result: 2nd degree sunburn. ( I really do feel bad for him.) Two days may not seem like a lot, but it was plenty for us. I like to sit back and soak in some rays as much as the next guy...or girl...but, I HATE SAND! It's messy, sticky, and hard to walk in- not my thing! Add two kids to that...yeah, two days was plenty! :)
Elijah was not a big fan of the water at first, but by day 3, he started to enjoy it. Daniel, on the other hand, has always loved the water! This year was the first year he really took advantage of the ocean and playing in it to his full capacity. Overall, it was a great trip and we made lots of memories as a family. Another reminder of how good God has been to us, and what a wonderful family unit we have. Thank you Jesus!