DANIEL IS FIVE!! It's weird that I have a five year old! He's growing up on me and is officially a kid now. No more toddler or preschooler, a KID! Heaven help me! :)
He's had a great birthday. Party at school, dinner at Red Robin, shopping, Egg hunt and moon bounces with his cousin, another party at Grandpa's, and ANOTHER party at Nana and Papa's. (I would have to say the highlight was receiving a DS from Grandma.) I am partied out! I'm so proud of the young man Daniel is developing into. I love you Daniel- SO MUCH!
ELIJAH is now scooting/almost crawling. He also has his first tooth- fun times! :-/ He is such a joy in our lives. He's about the happiest baby I have ever seen. He loves life, and loves his Mommy! :)
Oh, and I almost forgot. Elijah is terrified of the Easter Bunny!
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