Monday, August 30, 2010


Today (8/30/2010). Elijah. Started. WALKING!!! He's been taking 4 or 5 steps for a while now, but all of a sudden he's cruising! He's so cute....still kind of got the side ways walk going on. :) That's all for now. Walking pictures to come...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

One year & Kindergarten

^ If this is not the cutest pic you've ever seen, then...... :)
He has turned one, so it's time for the 1st hair cut!
Don't worry, I saved a curl :)

Another huge milestone- KINDERGARTEN has started!

^ Silliness is a must on the 1st day ;)
My baby boy isn't a baby anymore :(

*Daniel started K-5 yesterday. I made it through it pretty well. Almost lost it a couple times, but did okay. I was SO happy when 2:30 rolled around though! I asked him how his first day went....
Verdict: HE LOVED IT! And he still loves it on day two! I am so glad he likes school so much. I'm so proud of Daniel. I truly miss him while he's gone, but at least I still have one child at home :-/.....for now. Before you know it, we'll be sending him off to school.

We also finally cut E's hair. Nothing too drastic, but it was getting pretty long. He looks like such a big man now. He's still not fully walking. He'll take 4 or 5 steps at a time and then plops down. Oh did I mention another first for E.....the 1st time ripping his diaper off in his bed! :/ yikes!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I adore this pic of my sister and Elijah!! ^
Grandma Nelson and her boys. :) ^
Schuyler and D with Red. (Elijah was terrified of him!) ^

August is such a busy month- birthdays and our anniversary. Elijah's bday is the 3rd, Abe's is the 14th, and mine is the 19th- not to mention about 5 other family members with August birthdays! Whew!

We went bowling for Abe's bday, then on a dinner date. That was wonderful! It's weird with no kids there- makes me want to color! ;-)

For our anniversary, Abe came home with a dozen roses and locked me in the bedroom to relax and watch TV. He fed the kiddos and made us dinner. When I came out, there was a nice table cloth, fancy china, wine glasses (with Jarritos in them,) and best of all- Daniel dressed up in a tie. He was our waiter! :) He loved it! "Can I get you some ranch dressing for your salad, Mommy? How about sour cream for the potato?" =) It was so nice.

Then, for my birthday, Abe TOOK OFF WORK TO STAY HOME AND WATCH THE KIDS FOR ME. BEST PRESENT EVER!!! We then celebrated at Red Robin for dinner with my mom, sister, and Abe's mom. It was a very nice birthday, and I am SO blessed! God is so good to me!

*Above are some pics of our dinner at Red Robin.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

little things to remember

Elijah had his "one year appointment" a few days ago. Man, is that kid a peanut! When I saw that the nurse didn't have to move the scale to the 20lb mark, my jaw dropped! 19 lbs and 29 inches. Fifth percent for his weight and thirty for height. Doctor kind of laughed at my concern. "It's not always best to be in the 95th percentile." Again, I always think back to Daniel. He was always around 75th percent for everything. Oh well, E eats everything in sight and drinks milk like it's going out of style. I think he's okay. ;) Just has his dad's metabolism....grrrr!! =)

Daniel has orientation for K-5 this week and starts school in 9 days. Where in the world has the time gone? My babies are growing up. :( I'm so proud of Daniel and the sweet boy that he is. He is also extremely smart! He's starting to pick up reading, and his math skills are UNBELIEVABLE. Yeah, I know, I'm bias. Give him some math problems one day and then argue with me. ;-)

Well, just a few updates so twenty years from now, I'll remember my kids height, weight, school dates, etc.. You know, all the vital stats! ;)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

and 1 year later...

August 3rd, 2009- Daddy waits patiently for you to make your appearance...
And you did not disappoint. 9lb 2 oz. Our sweet baby boy...

And now we're celebrating one year of life with you....

And you're just celebrating the cake! :)

Elijah, you have been such a blessing to us! You bring so much joy to our lives, and we feel so blessed by God to have you. You're growing up so fast, and I'm loving every minute of it. I love you my sweet baby boy!!!