Thursday, December 23, 2010


I've always been kind of weird about having my kids (well, Daniel at this point) call me Mommy for as long as possible. I still call my mom that sometimes, and I'm trying to freeze time. So I am SO excited to hear Elijah calling me Mommy now (vs. Momma)!! It melts my heart!


It's Christmas Eve Eve~two days away from Jesus' birthday. With all the gifts and wonderful things we get this time of year, it's really easy to lose sight of what it's all about. Thank you, Lord for sending your Son to be born, and die for the sins of the world. THAT'S what it's all about! Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Santa anyone?

Elijah is not a Santa fan- perhaps next year? As soon as I picked him up, he started waving and saying "bye bye" to Santa. He did take the candy cane from him- that's a start....

Sunday, December 5, 2010

can't wait

I've been waiting to put our 2010 Christmas pics on face book until we mailed out our cards. Well, I've gotten impatient and I'm giving you blog readers a head start! :) I was so happy with how they turned out and how much I paid the photographer-my undying love (my lovely sister.) ;) Christmas card are being mailed tomorrow.


Elijah was done with pictures as you can see below:

And bottle bribery was no longer working...

Had to include some of my beautiful sis and I:

This one was blown up for a gift for Mom:

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Christmas- hmmm...

I have to start off (even though it has nothing to do with the post) by including my weekend visit to one of my absolute favorite people!
When I found out Joy was moving over an hour away, I was quite bummed- but totally supportive of where God was taking their family. I do, however, miss her terribly; and with both of us having the "craziness" of life, it's hard to get together sometimes. I did get to go down this past weekend, and it was so much fun to catch up, shop, and just have that "sister in Christ" time! I'm so thankful for her friendship, and that God brought her into my life! :)

I'm also thankful she took me to a place that sells Vera Bradley! (Not sure my husband is though.) ;)

I mentioned before that we are doing the book "Crazy Love" in my Tuesday Bible study. So convicting! Anyway, it really has me thinking a lot about my "sacrifices" for Christ. That can be sacrifices in any area of life: time management, money, Bible study, prayer, etc... A friend once asked me my personal opinion on knowing how much to tithe. Good question. I've always felt (for myself) that I need to tithe an "uncomfortable" amount. For some, maybe that's $20. For others, it could be $1000. I just think it needs to go to that point that you are HAVING to trust God to provide for you. I'm finding that I'm struggling right now with purchases. Example: I've always loved the Vera Bradley purses, but thought the prices were outrageous! Yesterday I stood in front of that purse for quite a while going back and forth- is it okay for me to buy this?? Do I need this? Well, if you know me, you know that's a dumb question (I heart purses and have mounds of them to show for it.)

So, what's the answer? I don't know that I have come to the answer for myself yet. Do I think it's wrong to buy nice things sporadically? No, not at all. I do have to be careful to keep things in perspective though. These "things" are just things! They will have NO worth one day. What will have worth is when I stand in front of Jesus and answer for the talents (money, spiritual gifts, time, etc..) He gave me on earth. I have so far to go, but I really want to have complete peace about everything I do knowing that all I do is for Jesus.

Soooo, this brings us to Christmas. Abe and I have never been ones to be huge spenders at Christmas. I think a nice, thoughtful gift is great; but I don't think it matters if I got that thoughtful gift on sale or not. It is especially true when it comes to our kids. I don't want them to have dozens of gifts when they get up in the morning. {Yep, I'm mean.} I want them to enjoy opening things ,and thinking Santa brought them a couple things they asked for. But, I really want my kids to learn true happiness does not come from "stuff." (I'm still working on this for myself.) True happiness comes only from the peace of knowing and following Christ. One of the things I have enjoyed most thus far has been putting together an "Operation Christmas Child" box with Daniel. It brings tears to my eyes to think of a child opening that box and being THRILLED for the $15 worth of tiny things in it. I try to stress that to Daniel. After we put the box together, he told me he wanted to use some of his allowance money to help pay for the shipping. I think that's huge for a 5 year old!

I'll be honest though. It's difficult to stress an attitude of thankfulness and contentment in what you have when you {that being ME} struggle with it yourself. And I do. And I'm ashamed that I do. I catch myself going- "Look at that ring she's wearing- wish I could just go and buy something like that with no thought. Look at their house! It's huge....our boys have to share a room. Look at that car- I've always wanted one of those! Look at that PURSE! {Yep, just being honest.) It's absurd! What I need to be thinking is "Thank you Jesus for ALL these gifts and all the ways you provide for our family! I am so undeserving, and I give You all the glory!"

*Keep in mind, I write this from my standpoint in life right now. What's right for my family is not right for every family. I'm not making any judgments for how others do things.

Bottom line, all these things we have on this earth- they all belong to Him! Our time, talents, money, etc... How will I choose to use those things??

Friday, November 19, 2010

Pink- my favorite color

Well, it used to be. I'm kind of over it now! Sunday was the beginning of the fun:Elijah. Monday morning, Daniel joined in. Monday afternoon:Abe. I felt as though I didn't match, so I joined them all Monday night. We ALL had pink eye! The boys are pretty much back to normal, but Abe and I are still battling it- so fun! :) "This too shall pass." No big deal.

Poor Elijah:

And now:

Thursday, November 4, 2010

true love

I have said it before, but everyday these boys of mine give me something else to be proud of. I'm just truly in love with both of them.

Elijah now says "peeeeeze" when he wants something- and this makes my heart melt.

Daniel stopped what he was doing tonight to make a card for his Nana. {She was missing Papa very badly today, and was very sad.} He took the card to her and said "I love you Nana!"

Elijah has this cheesy smile that gets me every time!

Daniel says "yes mam...... yes sir..... no sir." This makes me proud. (And yes, it's called respect and we expect it.)

Elijah will say "dadadada" every time I say "Say Mama, Elijah." He thinks it's so funny. (So do I, kinda.) ;)

When I drop Daniel off at school every morning, he says "Bye Mommy, I love you!" Again, melts me! When he comes home from school, he's singing some song about how Jesus loves him.

I could go on and on. I am beyond proud and so very thankful for these boys! Abe and I feel so blessed to have two sweet, happy, healthy, Jesus-loving kids! We are blessed!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fall Fun 2010

We really had a great weekend. We went to Fall Festivals, a costume party, trick or treating, etc. =)
Pictures of some of the fun:

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

just barely...

Abe and I went to the Skins/Colts game on Sunday night and It. Was. AWESOME!!! I SO wish my team was more local. I would love to watch Peyton Manning play in person more often. It was funny actually b/c every time something good {Colts good, that is} would happen, I would stand up to scream; and people were looking at me like "sit down!" ;)

Abe and I had such a good time. I love that we can do things like that together that we both so very much enjoy. I have so much fun spending time with my hubby. I'm so in love with that man! He looked at me after the game and said "I have a confession. I secretly wanted the Colts to win for you." That's love right there! :) The Colts did win, by the way. Just barely, but they won. Hope to have that experience again!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Daniel and Elijah were racing around the outside of the house today. {Let me clarify:Daniel was running; Elijah was being pushed by Daddy in his car.} After about 5 times of me saying "ready, set, go", E started saying "DOH!" (Pronounced- dough-in case you didn't get that. ;)) It was seriously the cutest thing ever. I would say "ready, set" and he would say "doh!!" :-)


Tomorrow is the big day: Abe and I are headed to the Colts/Skins game....sooo excited! :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I had to blog one of today's little "happenings." Elijah was extremely over-tired and upset today. I walked back into the room to find Daniel gently singing "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know, 'Lijah', how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away."

Need I say more really?! That boy melts my heart!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

crazy love

Along with MOPS, I'm also doing a Tuesday {MOPS} Bible study. We're doing "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. I'm not sure if I want to keep reading this book. Apart from God's Word, it is by far the most convicting book I've ever read. Bottom line, the book repeatedly reminds me "this world is not all about YOU {me}. YIKES!! Who wants to hear that- I mean really?! It's had me thinking a lot lately. I'm not called to only love those who love me...what good is that really? I'm called to love those who treat me like the dirt under their feet...those who persecute me...those who would rather not have me "loving" them. I don't know if you've noticed, but that's tough! I'm constantly "arguing" with God. "But God, do you know how they're treating me?!?" I'm then gently reminded by a loving and merciful Savior that He was beaten, spit on, cursed at, etc... and He died for those people! Yeah, I'm thinking I'll get over my discomfort of being kind even when I really don't want to. That doesn't mean it's not hard. It is. But I am called to a higher calling; and I am in love with a Savior that I am to imitate. Many people have shown me love when I didn't deserve it, and I'm glad they saw past the "bad" parts.

I want to teach my children this same lesson, and I must live it out to do that. I want my kids to be "crazy" in love with Jesus. I want them to love Him for who He is, not what He offers. I want to love him for that reason- that He's God. I fall more and more in love with Him everyday, even though I feel some days I take two steps backwards. Thankfully, He loves me through my ugliness and sins; and for this I am so thankful.