i'm currently reading a book -
one thousand gifts by ann voskamp
. wow. i mean, wow. this book has given me a whole new perspective on life. on eucharisteo. on the fact that every 'horrible' thing we are dished out can be turned into praise and thanksgiving. the terrible two's that my not yet 2 year old is going through is an item of thanks- thanks that i am blessed with him
and his temper. thanks for the teaching moments. thankful because Jesus is the same no matter what is changing.
thankful that Monday-april 11th, 2011- my 6 year old asked Jesus to live in his heart. eucharisteo- i am thankful.
so here's the dare: live fully right where you. as the high powered executive at a top law firm. as a stay at home mom- longing for a 30 minute nap in between the endless poopy diapers, snotty noses, and constant "don't touch that's." live fully.

part of the book is making your own list- one thousand (and beyond) things to be thankful for. things you don't even think are worth making the list, but they are.
1) the smell of clean laundry
2)watching my boys hug
3)a clean house
4)my husband's patience with me
5)watching Daniel read Elijah a book