I've kinda been a
lousy blogger lately. I WILL get better and try to stay on top of it. We're in 2011, and that is crazy! Where did the time go?? We had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. God has blessed me indeed.
So speaking of New Years, I'm not a big fan of the "resolutions." However, I think it can be a "start" to something you want/need to do. I have a couple of things I am really going to work on (I have more than that that I NEED to work on, but I digresss...) One thing that I want to do {with all my heart} is turn each and every day over to the Lord-no matter what. He is in control; and for this, I am thankful.
I think this song is wonderful, and I love the lyrics; kind of goes along with one of my "resolutions" :) and it was also one of my Christmas gifts from my hubby:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8eq7dOQSMYHere are some pics from Christmas~some of my crazy family whom I really love!

^ wrestling on Christmas....we're crazy :) ^

^ me and my favorite cuz ^

^ game playin' fun on Christmas {Taboo} ^

^ my little sisters & E ^

^ Christmas with the Nelsons ^

^ at least we got one decent family picture on Christmas day ^

^ this has become a Christmas decorating tradition for D and Daddy. one I'm not a huge fan of

^ we visited "Bethlehem" a few days before Christmas- really neat experience ^
Abe got me some wonderful gifts this year- he did better this year than ever! I have to give props to my cousin though as she may have out-done anyone. Three words: Peyton. Manning. Jersey. =)))